Shift your perspective
Welcome to our Resistance exhibition.
Use your decoder glasses to see an alternative view of youth ministry.
Find out more and join the movement.
[These images need a red lens to be fully seen – email us and we’ll send you some]

The Resistance Exhibition was debuted at The National Youth Ministry Weekend in 2021. It utilises red glasses to encourage participants to shift their perspective on youth ministry.
The Exhibition was created by the Frontier Youth Trust team in the emerging culture of the post pandemic season. In this time a culture-shift emerged within youth ministry that encouraged speed, pressure and immediacy. In the desire to return to a “new normal” and make up for lost time, there seemed to be a huge amount of pressure on youth practitioners to do more, be more and to do it now. The Resistance Exhibition was born as a response to this culture-shift. It raises questions about going slow and making space to listen and follow where God is already working.
At first glance the exhibition appears to be promoting some of the more mainstream pressured messages of speed and urgency. However, by slowing down and donning some perspective shifting glasses, new messages appear. An alternative narrative is presented: a narrative of going slow, listening and simply being.
The Resistance Exhibition sparks conversations and invites us to reflect on our own practice and the culture around us.
The Resistance Exhibition is available as a pop up exhibition and is a great resource to spark conversations around going slow, rest, practice, culture, pioneering, starting something new, vision casting etc. Chat to us about engaging your team, church, retreat, weekend away or workplace. Get in touch at info@fyt.org.uk.