Join the Movement

Welcome Home

Join a movement journeying with young people on the margins of church and society.

Get our exclusive magazine, a 20% on resources, and opportunities to connect with other members.

Benefits of membership

Across the UK we are a movement working with young people in local communities, creating new projects & possibilities, calling others to ministry on the margins, and challenging & changing the system.

  • Connect with others who are passionate about young people & mission – with workshops, webinars and more
  • Exclusive magazine of stories, ideas & resources – issued 3x a year
  • 20% discount on all FYT resources, events, training and support
  • Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with youth workers and young people on the margins

Plus… Free youth work models & policy; Advice and support on youth work and mission; Home@FYT Facebook Group; Training & meet-up events; and bespoke introductions to other members.

Membership is for volunteers, youth workers, supporters, project leaders, trustees, pioneers and change-makers. And it’s free.

Why join?

  1. Home – when nobody gets you, being part of a tribe keeps you going
  2. Risk – get resources and training for a playful and experimental approach to mission with young people
  3. Voice – together we have a loud voice: campaigning, telling stories, and calling more to reach the margins.
Join a conversation between people and places shaped by the margins.