FYT Takeover: Controlled Chaos Podcast

Gemma, our Movement Advocate, took up the challenge to host a UK takeover of
the Controlled Chaos Podcast.

Listen to it now

Controlled Chaos is a podcast based in the US that aims to encourage, inspire and challenge Christians working alongside 11 – 14yrs olds (junior high school age). The weekly podcast features interviews, top tips to build teams and signposts listeners to great resources.

Within the UK takeover Gemma got to interview Dr Andrew Root as he shared some thoughts on faith formation in a secular age during a visit to the UK. In the interview Andy reflects on many things including the messy wrestling of those of us who walk alongside young people outworking the values of authenticity, integrity and accountability in their own lives as we seek to practice what we preach. He speaks passionately about the importance of narrating experiences, sharing story and testimony as an aspect of activism, something that many of the FYT movement members will have experienced in their settings, so keep going!

Towards the end of the interview Andy shares what excites him about UK youth ministry reflecting that in the UK, the people of God, have a greater missional heart for young people who are outside of the walls of the institutional church. The picture of ministering alongside young people in the US is somewhat different to our UK context but this does not mean that they will not be facing some of the challenges we have seen in the days ahead. Andy’s excitement for the UK’s pioneering and prophetic spirit lends perfectly to the second half of the podcast. Within this section Gemma interviews two amazing practitioners from within the FYT movement. Both are great role models, encouraging all of us to take a risk and to go meet young people where they are at. They offer us a snap shot of what walking the way of Jesus today looks like:

Tadz – is part of Courtyard supporting Catholic parishes to engage and accompany local young people, to respond to their needs and aspirations. Volunteers meet young people where they’re at; in the community: streets, parks or schools; and encourage them, when appropriate, to come to a ‘Courtyard space’ in the parish.

Helen – is part of Worth Unlimited’s Waltham Forest branch taking a mobile youth venue to young people living on housing estates. The bus hosts exciting activities and space to play and enjoy life but also places a high emphasis on the team coming alongside young people to journey with them within positive intergenerational relationships.

You can listen to the UK take over here or head over to both the Courtyard and Worth Unlimited websites to find out more about them. At Frontier Youth Trust we are building a home for pioneer youth workers, supporting and encouraging them to take risks and advocating to others the great practice that comes from this, but we can’t do this alone.

Will you join us in this adventure? Donate here