Frontier Youth Trust and Lemon Jelly Youth Project are pleased to announce a new resource on sex and relationships, filled with practical session ideas and some deeper thinking. PODS are resources for youth workers, teachers and parents that enable us to connect with young people around subjects that can often be awkward or easily avoided.
PODS are produced by Lemon Jelly Youth Work, with Frontier Youth Trust, who are passionate about getting young people and adults talking openly, wondering together, asking difficult questions and cutting pathways through the crazy maze of being human in our time.
Our young people (and us!) experience more pressure on more issues than any generation before – and don’t have enough tools, frameworks, and belief systems to help them make brilliant informed choices.
We believe that Personal Social and Health Education should not be left to schools; youth workers and parents are in unique positions to have good conversations on a more regular and natural basis. PODS is about getting adults thinking about the breadth of the issues, asking their own difficult questions, as well as giving lots and lots of ideas and resources for how to make it happen!
PODS 1 is the sex and relationships edition and contains 44 pages packed with ideas and information and articles by experts in their fields.
The 6 topics covered are:
- Consent
- Contraception and STIs
- Pornography
- Real Men
- Real Women
- Selfies
- Nudes and Pics